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Integrated Pest Management (IPM)


        Promotion of Integrated Pest Management.


        Central Sector Scheme.


        IPM is a broad ecological pest control approach aiming at best mix of all known pest control measures to keep the pest population below economic threshold level (ETL). It is an economically justified and sustainable system of crop protection that leads to maximum productivity with the least possible adverse impact on the total environment. In crop production technology IPM is a schedule of practices which starts from field selection till harvest of a crop. The major components in this approach are cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical methods of insect pests, diseases, weeds and rodent control in a compatible manner.

Salient Features

        i) Popularising IPM approach among farming community;

        ii) Organising regular pest surveillance and monitoring to assess pest/disease situation and study agro-eco-system to advise timely IPM control measures;

        iii) Rearing biological control agents for their field use and conservation of naturally occurring biological control agents for control of crop pests;

        iv) Promoting use of bio-pesticides, neem based pesticides, bacillus based bio-pesticides, insect pathogen as alternative to chemical pesticides;

        v) To play a catalytic role in transfer of innovative IPM skills/methods/ techniques to extension workers and farmers in all states including the rich.

        vi) To preserve eco-system and environment;

        vii) Human Resource Development in IPM by imparting training to master trainers, extension workers and farmers by conduct of trainings and establishment of Farmers' Field Schools (FFSs).

        viii) Field releases of laboratory reared bio-control agents for the control of pests;

        ix) Issuing insect-pest and disease situation bulletins for the benefit of State functionaries and farmers.

Steps for IPM implementation

Bench Mark Survey

  • Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of farmers.
  • Identification of major pests problems responsible for low yield.


  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Collection and destruction of crop residues, weeds etc.
  • Seed treatment.
  • Growing pest and disease resistant/tolerant varieties.
  • Timely and synchronous sowing operation.
  • Optimum plant spacing.
  • Post-sowing.
  • Balanced use of fertilizers.
  • Proper water management.
  • Timely weed control.
  • Use of light, yellow, sticky and pheromone traps for monitoring of pests.
  • Regular monitoring on pests and their natural enemies.
  • Conservation of crop defenders (parasites, predators and pathogens).
  • Augmentation of crop defenders by release of egg pupal, larval parasites and predators.
  • Use of bio-pesticides against crop pests.
  • Collection of egg-masses and larvae for their destruction.
  • Observation of pests and defenders ratio (2:1) before taking control action.
  • Need based and judicious use of the pesticides on the basis of ETL as a last resort.

IPM packages evolved

        The Ministry of Agriculture has evolved the following 20 IPM Package of practices and States can implement these packages as per their local needs :



Person to be contacted

        The Deputy Director, Plant Protection, Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Meghalaya, Cleve Colony, Shillong - 793003.