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Agriculture Achievement Thrust Areas in Agriculture Sector

Basing on the topography and climatic conditions of the State and strive for achievement in food self-sufficiency, priority will continue to be given to food-grains production. Though area expansion under food-grains is limited due to the hilly terrain, the main strategies will be to further develop the existing rice fields with irrigation facilities for multiple cropping, raise the level of productivity per unit area through efficient use of fertilizers and organic manure, more area coverage under high yielding varieties, adequate and need-based plant protection measures and adoption of improved crop production technology. Further, land otherwise unsuitable for food-grain crops will be gainfully exploited for growing of horticulture and plantation crops. The priority areas are :-
  • Attempts to popularise cultivation of Maize, Wheat and Pulses through crop demonstration and minikit programmes.
  • Introduction of high yielding varieties of seeds and more area coverage under such seeds with higher yields wherever suitable to be grown with proper package of practices. To encourage farmers to replace the improved and traditional varieties with low yield records by HYV seeds including maintainance of germplasms of indigenous local varieties.
  • Production and multiplication of quality, disease-free certified and true to type seeds through establishment of seed farms in all the districts of the State to be supplemented with the setting up of seed certification agency. Introduction of seed villages concept in the pattern of registered growers for seed potato to be looked into as an alternative.
  • Strategic interventions through timely delivery of agriculture inputs and efforts to encourage the farmers to go in for timely sowing of seeds and transplanting of seedling.
  • Raising the level of productivity per unit area through increased and judicial use of fertilizers.
  • Encouraging farmers for production of organically produced crops through use of organic manure, etc.
  • Ensuring availability of irrigation facilities from minor irrigation projects, diesel pump-sets and shallow-tube wells and maximizing utilization of command areas especially in the winter months for multiple cropping.
  • Attempting to increase crop intensity by facilitating the availability of proper inputs and other necessary resources.
  • Increasing the availability of proper agricultural machineries through schemes for mechanization of agriculture and popularization of power tillers, small tractors, hand tools and other farm implements.
  • Encouraging rabi (winter) crop cultivation with concentration on rabi maize and winter vegetables with local improved and high yielding varieties.
  • Thrusts on land development and management.
  • Frequent and widespread publicity campaigns.
  • Attempts to improve marketing facilities and marketing linkages.
  • Implementation of existing developmental schemes in right earnest and formulation of schemes for employment generation that would provide ample scope for involvement of unemployed youth for earning their livelihood.
  • Strengthening and modernisation of the Extension wing for the purpose of wide publicity and improving efficiency in transfer of technology to farmers in aspects of package of practices, new technique and improved cultivation methods so that the production and productivity can be increased. Effective mobility of extension personnel through provision of two-wheelers on loan basis.
  • Systematic interaction with Research organisations like ICAR for technical guidance in various areas of crop production, evolving of specific rice varieties for mid and high altitude regions and varietal improvement of local cultivars for better productivity.
  • Use of Sprinkler irrigation, Drip irrigation, mulching and rain-water harvesting to be given more emphasis.
  • Development of necessary infrastructure for phyto-sanitary facilities.
  • Implementation of Watershed Development programmes with involvement of watershed functionaries at the management level.
  • Ensuring of adequate and need-based plant protection measures to reduce losses in crop production.
  • Emphasis on the development of rural infrastructure for effective storage facilities and market infrastructure.
  • Extension of subsidies on both organic and inorganic fertilizers and encouraging use of organic manure. Awareness programmes through farmers’ training and demonstration on technology for production of vermiculture, etc.
  • Stress on evaluation and monitoring through on-going programmes to realize the impact of the schemes being implemented.
  • Use of Information Technology through setting up of computer network for imparting new technology and for providing marketing intelligence system.