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Fruits Grown In Meghalaya

»  Amla

Botanical Name: Phyllanthus emblica or Emblica officinalis (Amla, Indian Gooseberry)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Indigineous Name - Khasi: Soh Mylleng
Indigineous Name - Garo:
Uses: Edible fruit. Processed product- Includes pickles, culinary, canning, juice extraction, jelly preparation, wine making, hair packs etc. Medicinal properties- Fruit is enriched with vitamin C has antibiotic properties, builds immune system, control cholesterol diabetes, hair-fall and greying
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»  Apricot

Botanical Name: Prunus Armenica
Family: Rosaceae
Indigineous Name - Khasi:
Indigineous Name - Garo:
Distribution: East Khasi Hills
Uses: Fruit is edible and a rich source of vitamin A, carbohydrates, protein etc. The kernel is a rich source of cooking oil and other pharmaceutical products. Processed product- desserts, canning, jams etc.
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»  Banana

Botanical Name: Musa paradisiaca
Family: Musaceae
Indigineous Name - Khasi: Kait
Indigineous Name - Garo:
Availability: April to August
Uses: Fruit is used for table and culinary purposes, pseudostem for cuisines banana leaf considered as biological plate for serving dishes, banana fiber for making bags, sheath and leaf for making crude ropes and wrapping material, plant parts as cattle feed. Fruit contain vitamins, minerals and has several medicinal properties. It is also a rich source of energy and protein. Processed product- chips, banana fig, soft drink, R.T.S, beer, wine, alcohol, vinegar, powder jam, confectioneries
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»  Ber

Botanical Name: Ziziphus jujuba
Family: Rhamnaceae
Indigineous Name - Khasi: Soh Broi
Indigineous Name - Garo:
Uses: Its often known as poor man s fruits rich in vitamin A, B, C and minerals. Ripe fruits are eaten fresh, dried fruit are used as dessert. Processed product- butter, juice, squash, R.T.S, pulps, jam, pickle, candied etc. Z. jujube- Tree is used for rearing lac insect, leaves are fed to silk worm.
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