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Floriculture Development Scheme in Meghalaya

Introduction || Objectives || Eligibility || Criteria for selection of beneficiaries under Floriculture || Components under the Scheme

Floriculture may be defined as "the art and knowledge of growing flowers to perfection". Being a branch of Horticulture, it deals with the cultivation of flowers and ornamental crops from the time of planting to the time of harvesting. It also includes production of planting materials through seeds, cutting, budding, grafting, etc up to the marketing of the flower and flower produce.

In Meghalaya, floriculture is mostly practiced as a hobby by flower lovers. However, lately the high cost of planting materials, seeds, cut-flowers etc and the increase in their demand, has created awareness in the grower on the commercial aspects. Although commercial Floriculture is a recent development in Meghalaya, however, considering the natural advantages of having the most varied range of climatic conditions in the country, it has a very high potential for cultivation of all types of flowers. The rich flora and the many species of Orchids growing wild in the State which is the highest ever recorded in a single concentrated area is a testimony to this effect. This scheme has created a very good and positive impact to the farmers in terms of returns, creating new economic avenues and thereby enhancing the benefits within a short period to the existing assets of the farmers. The beneficiaries selected were made more aware of the benefits of cultivation of ornamental crops and through the incentives given in this scheme have become more motivated especially in the commercial aspects which will automatically improve their socio - economic conditions.

The objective of the scheme is to focus on the promotional and awareness aspects by providing incentives to the farmers and motivating them to grow traditional as well as 'non-traditional floral crops and house-plants for commercial purpose. However, with the understanding that area expansion of floriculture activities to be supported by Technology Mission Scheme, it was decided in a State level Departmental meeting (copy enclosed) that Floriculture Development Scheme (State Plan) will support the floriculture farmers in terms of infrastructure like green house etc with a minimum area of 100 sqm as per Government of India rates.

Each unit will serve as a demonstration for which the Department will provide technical guidelines through extension and training. Crop selection will be on the basis of existing popularity and market demands. A few of the recommended crops are orchids, Chrysanthemums, Gerberas, Carnations, Liliums, Strelitzia reginae, Gladiolus, Statice, Gomphrena, Helichyrsums, Roses and different kind of flowering shrubs and house plants etc.

Some. component of the scheme like wages, material and supplies, tools and implement etc is also being implemented at the floriculture Nursery at Govt. Fruit Garden, Shillong. The nursery propagates seedlings of seasonal flowers, potted plants , sale of cut-flowers etc.This is also the only floriculture nursery in Shillong which support floriculture activities through supply of planting material, training etc to the public and farmers .who are interested in floriculture.

Another component of the scheme is to support the Tissue Culture Laboratory at Govt. Fruit Garden, Shillong, again through wages, material and supplies, Laboratory equipment etc It was set up during 2003-04 under Technology Missisn Scheme which started functioning during 2005-06. This Scheme was discontinued as it was a Central Scheme and hence subsume under this state plan -Scheme. The aims and objective of the Tissue Culture laboratory is to enhance the production of planting materials of all horticulture crops especially floriculture. Moreover, this is the only Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Department.

All categories of farmers within Meghalaya
Criteria for selection of beneficiaries under Floriculture:
  1. Beneficiary must have a minimum area of 0.2 ha. or more.
  2. Preference will be given to highly enlightened progressive farmers, entrepreneurs who are willing to invest in non - food crops.
  3. Beneficiary will be selected by the officer of the respective District Horticulture Officer.
  4. Beneficiary must have some level of familiarity with ornamental crops.
  5. Beneficiary must have the necessary financial support! economic base for expansion in terms of planting materials, infrastructure etc to improve the commercial potentiality as required! demanded in the cultivation of ornamental crops
Components under the Scheme
  1. Planting materials like seeds, seedlings, Plantlets Bulbs, Corms, Tubers, Mother Plants seeds/ bulbs (flower)/ Leather leaf fern/ polythene sleeve/bags/plastic & Earthernpots/ U.V. films/ Shadenets/ Polythene pipes/ Protrays/ cocopeat/ Perlite/ soil rite/ PH meter/ EC meter/ rock wool/ labelling tags/ packing material for cut flowers, etc.
  2. Purchase of Hybrid flower seeds, planting materials for distribution to the farmers at 50% subsidy.
  3. Drip Irrigation @ Rs. 262/sq.m
  4. Organic and Inorganic manure fertilizers, micro-nutrients, soluble fertilizer rooting hormones, plant protection chemicals etc.
  5. Tools & Implements-Secateurs, Pruning Knives, watering cans. Digging spade (plastic handle) sickle (Datri) self sharpening serrated teeth model, Doa, Fork, measuring equipments, Rashi (Local, Knup, Khoh, Star, Hedge shear, Hanging basket, Watering can, lawn mowers etc
  6. Green house for a minimum area of 150 sqm @ Rs. 935/sqm as per G.O.I. norms.