Shri Ayub Hussain a farmer of Fershakandi Village, Salsella Block, West
Garo Hills District is having 1 Ha of land for Paddy Cultivation. In the previous years the
farmer was growing only local Varieties of Paddy (Kaneri and Ranga Kishore) during Sali
and Boro season but in the year 2015-16 he started cultivating Hybrid Varieties like Arize
Gold and Tej during Sali and Boro season and there was an increased in production during
Sali Season and a bumper harvest is also expected from Boro Paddy.

Shri N. Hajong a farmer of Rudu B Village, South West Khasi Hills is having
around 2 Ha of land for cultivating paddy. In the year 2014-15 he started growing Boro
paddy only in 1 acre of land and found that the harvest from this plot of land was self
sufficient for his family. During this year 2015-16 he increased the area upto 4 acre since his
having sufficient water supply by expecting that good harvest will not only make him self
sufficient but also get surplus which will help him in uplifting his economic condition.

A nursery for Boro Paddy of Shri Phubon Patho at Barigaon, Ri-Bhoi District for
transplanting to an area of 4 ha of land
Nursery for Sali Paddy at Bordup Village, East Khasi Hills District and the crop after
transplanting in the main field.
Paddy field of Smti. Albna Shangoi of Mawkynbad Village, West Khasi Hills
District. This variety of paddy (MEG-II) gives better yield and can withstand the
environmental condition of the upper region.
Lentil Cultivation of Smti B.Lymphuid, Kyrdem Village, Ri-Bhoi District under
Zero Tillage cultivation (Rice followed by Lentil). During the previous years the paddy field
after harvesting of Sali Paddy was remained fallow but in the year 2015-16 an extra income
of Rs. 30,000/- was earned from this same field.
Shri S. Basaiawmoit of Nongtraw Village, Ri- Bhoi District is adopting intercropping
of Maize with Soybean for the first time in his field where he is benefited with extra income
from his field and also help in maintaining soil health.
Maize cultivation at South West Khasi Hills