Name of the Scheme | Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana-Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY- RAFTAAR) |
Objectives | Holistic farm development with creation of infrastructures/farm machineries/Training in Agriculture and other Allied Sectors. |
Pattern Of Assistance | Creation of infrastructures, capacity building etc. |
Type Of Assistance And Entitlement (If Any) | Grant in Aid |
Eligibility Criteria | Bonafide farmers engaged in Agriculture. |
How to Avail | Bonafide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Agriculture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Agriculture Circle. |
Mode of Selection of Beneficiary(s) | Bonafide farmers on first come first served basis. |
Whom to Contact | 1. District Agriculture Officers of the concerned districts. 2. Sub Divisional Agricultural Officers of the concerned sub-divisions. 3. District Training Officers, Tura/Shillong. 4. Agricultural Development Officers of the concerned Community and Rural Development Blocks. |